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Dè a nis?

‘S math a rinn thu Mac Tm, mar a thuirt am fear eile, ‘sin thu fhèin’.  Dhomhsa ge-tà chan eil mise cinnteach dè an dòigh as fheàrr air adhart airson luchd-ionnsachaidh air loidhne, uill an fheadhainn a tha lorg rudeigin fosgailte 24/7.  Bha beagan deasbaid inntinneach a’ nochdadh air iomairtean Gàidhlig thall ann an Yahoo.groups.  Thog mi beagan dhith agus cuiridh mi aig bonn an teachdaireachd seo e.

Bu chòir sinn a’ dol air ar socair airson greis bhig saoilidh mi.  Feumaidh mi a ràdh cuideachd chan eil mi cinnteach ma bhios mi deònach mòran taic a chur dhan dad sam bith eile.  Bha stuth eile a chur dragh orm aig SG mus do nochd na sanasan airson a’ Chasino ud agus shaoil mi a-nis gur e àm nàdarrach a’ bh’ ann a sguir dhith mar mod.   Bidh mi gu math trang ann an tìrnamblò ge-tà, rudeigin a thàinig a-mach air na blogaichean a chaidh a chur air bhog le daoine a fhuair earbsa a bhith sgrìobhadh beagan anns na Fòrams aig SG agus a’ bhòrd bhrath eile aig  Schottisch-Gaelisch. ‘S e sin an seòrsa àrainneachd a dhith oirnn.  Tha an eadar-lìn a ‘toirt cothroman gu leòr airson  luchd-ionnsachaidh a’ stiùir gu h-ìre fileantach agus ma bhios sinn deònach a chumail a’ dol le rudeigin dhen leithid sin feumaidh sinn a bhith cinnteach mu a dheidhinn.  Ma bhios rudeigin tighinn a-mach bhon SG, bidh sin gur e a’ dearbhachadh gu bheil feum aig mòran den luchd-ionnsachaidh a bhith ceangailte ri rudeigin a bhios eadar-nàiseanta agus a bhios fosgailte a h-uile latha.  Tha feum aca a bhith ‘inter-active’ mar a chanas iad.


Chan eil fhios agam dè thachras a-nis ach co-dhiù, seo beagan deasbaid a chunnaic mi an diugh…


Tha am balach Astrailianach aig a bheil gu ruige seo
airson a reic, a-rèir coltais. Tha e ag iarraidh $6000 air a shon, tha sin
rud beag èibhinn...
Leis an fhirinn innse, bha mi an còmhnaidh dhen bheachd gur e ainm uabhasach
gòrach a tha ann, 'sa Bheurla. Is dòcha gum bi e air falbh a dh' aithghearr.
Cò chuireas suas làrach ùr le no rudeigin mar


Cha chreid mi gu bheil an àrainn .xxx ri fhaighinn fhathast ; )
Ach bhiodh sin caran snog is snasail, àrainn .xxx airson làrach Ghàidhlig!

Am Mìcheal Eile


Deagh bheachd Mhona, tha cruaidh fheum air a leithid airson luchd-
ionnsachaidh. Tha feum air mods seadh ach nam biodh e fosgailte do
dhuine sam bith freagairt a chur a-steach nan robh iad comasach,
bhiodh e ag obrachadh gu math saoilidh mi.
Am bu chòir dha a bhith sna làmhan Cli no buidheann sam bith eile ge-
tà an àite an roinn phrìobhaideach? Ach bu chòir e a bhith fosgailte
24/7 mar a bha SG agus am bòrd brath Deutsch/Gaelisch. Saoilidh mi.
`S e mo bheachdsa co-dhiù.
Mar sin leibh an dràsta



Cho fad 's a tha fios agam, cha deach aig buidheann oifigeal a-riamh
rudeigin mar sin a chuir air dòigh... nach robh bòrd-bràth / forum aig
CLI uaireigin? Bha e dùinte fad na h-ùine. Agus bha an cruth gu math
Cha bhitheadh e doirbh idir bòrd-bràth math, ùr, luath, freagarrach a
chur air dòigh. Tha am bòrd aig Mìcheal (Deutsch/Gaelisch) a' ruith gu
math soirbheachail. Agus le cuideigin le comas PHP / SQL bhitheadh e
fiù 's nas fhasa, chan fheumar bòrd deiseil bho chompanaidh air
choireigin ma-tha ach 's urrainnear bòrd a chur ri chèile. Tha cuid
charaidean agam a' ruith bùird mar sin airson cùspairean eile.
Agus tha mi gu math cinnteach gu bheil daoine freagarrach gu leòr ann,
sgapte ann an "Tìr nam Blog", na liostaichean post-d agus àitean eile,
aig a bhitheadh comas sùil a thoirt air bòrd-bràth mar sin, le
comhairle is freagairtean. Tha na liostaichean post-d uabhasach fhèin
feumail, ach na laithean seo tha mòran daoine dhen bheachd gu bheil
bòrd-bràth / forum nas fheàrr.
ur beachdan?




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Date: forum

The owners of the site have given the administrator instructions to close the forum immediately. would like to thank all those who have shown us support over the past few years. In particular, the forum moderators, both past and present, who volunteered their time. Namely:

Graisg, Camha, Mise, Balagair

Tha mi ag ionnsaich Gàidhlig= I am learning Gaelic.


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Posts: 19

What now??? I feel homeless.



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Well, here are some of my thoughts.

Cadalach proposed an all Gàidhlig all the time forum and I think there is a need for that.  They have one for welsh and it makes that there be one for Gaelic.  I'd like to support that.

The other thing is where to go for learning instruction and whatnot.  And also posting in Gaelic too I guess.

We could stay here and improve this one.  But I think we should consider using an established site that has little traffic.  One in particular is one that was set up by Gaelic College.  I think that having a lot of traffic to their site would benefit that institution and Gaelic in N.S.  I took a week long set of classes with them this summer.  They're an institution worth supporting.

Here is their site:







-- Edited by amadan alascanach at 01:18, 2006-01-27



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I'm not sure - it is based in Nova Scotia rather than Scotland. Is it a good, worthwhile institution? Their noticeboard is currently pretty dead.

I also looked at Electric Scotland, very quiet and not particularly well organized.

The question is, do people want to continue the purported purpose of sg - promoting the language - or just have a forum to use for practicing their own language, and do they want to continue helping beginners.

I'm thoroughly p'd off with the admin at SG - I mean, ok, so we (and me especially, I'll admit) were criticising - but silencing debate? That's brutal. And it isn't "the management have ordered closure" its "I, the admin person" - I could fairly guarantee the web design business that owns it is effectively a one-man business, though I don't know - I hate it when people use language like that to veil the truth.

I'd been about to suggest that perhaps we could agree to remove the very disagreeable posts in order not to damage his attempts to sell the site, but now I think, stuff it.

Are there any other really good sites that include forums? As I've already said, I'd be happy to build a new site and pay for the first year's hosting/domain reg, if others wanted to support it with contributing content and forum membership. This forum works well but I don't know about publicity / public access. We couuld link to it from the main site. The other thing is advertising control.




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Actually I feel we would need both, a Gaidhlig only but then also one for the learners, especially those who have not the luxury of living near fileantanchan and courses and such. I was happy to have SG and I bet so did the others.

Now, one trouble is I have gathered a couple of email addresses but not all. Shall I send out a group email?



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I'm feeling rather responsible - I mouthed off pretty loudly about the sale issue. But now its closed, there's no way to discuss it or apologise. So, I'll make an apology here. I think I was out of line, being new to the place, I reacted without thinking.

Here's hoping, maybe the site WILL sell and the forum re-open.....




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eilthireach spollachdach wrote:

I'm feeling rather responsible - I mouthed off pretty loudly about the sale issue. But now its closed, there's no way to discuss it or apologise. So, I'll make an apology here. I think I was out of line, being new to the place, I reacted without thinking.

Here's hoping, maybe the site WILL sell and the forum re-open.....


Even if it did repoen, would any of us go back? I wouldn't.
It's the PEOPLE I found helpful there, namely graisg, Camha, Eilidh, Cadalach, Coinneach... and the friends I made that helped me learn also... and those I didn't get along with that helped out too!

Enough said, I think. RIP, SaveGaelic.
I'll remove your link from my webpage later on today.

-- Edited by XaraLouise at 09:31, 2006-01-27

XaraLouise --- na cuidbhle tionndaidh


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I like Chuc's idea of going here

As he says it would give them a boost.  In the meantime whatever happens we have to keep this place going until all possible survivors see us on the horizon.




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Nach mi a tha gòrach, bha dùil agamsa gun robh sibh a-mach air an prògram telebhisean!!
Tha a h-uile cothrom ann nach bi mi air an eadar-lìon mar is àbhaist 'son beagan làithean is mar sin tha mi an dòchas gum bith cùisean beagan nas soilleir aig astair.



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I live a hop, skip, and jump away from the Gaelic College. I think the reason their message board isn't terribly active is because only students who are taking classes there can access it, and maybe only the students who take the distance classes, but I'm not sure.

As for Nova Scotia not being Scotland, well, the people that originally settled on Cape Breton came from Scotland. That's how Gaelic got here in the first place ... and Cape Breton is one of the few places in the world where Gaelic is still spoken and taught as a first language. CBU had a few exchange students from the Isle of Skye just last year and I think they will also do an exchange with SMO, if students are interested. Scotland has its native speakers and we have ours.

Regarding 'the old country' [I'm stealing from Graisg], I was quite surprised that they shut the forum down. I would have considered that to be a major selling point of the site. I didn't see anything inappropriate about the discussion that took place - it was a natural outcropping of what was going on. No one was rude. No one was being nasty [unless I missed something in the very short space of time between my last visit and the shut down]. People were just worried about what was going to happen. Nothing whatsoever wrong about that, and I don't think any of the forumers should feel the need to apologize.

Well, I'm done with that. I have a new place to come now and it's nice to 'see' some familiar faces. Y'all behave yourselves now, you hear.

Suas leis a' Ghàidhlig!


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If anyone remembers the Yaffamuppet, are we like one of his micro-nations now? This nomadic life is quite fun in a way...:D



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Let's buy 'an t-seann duthaich' with Yaffamuppet currency?  At least it'll be in Gàidhlig



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Here's what became of his "publacht" --

Anyway, time for another then it'll be



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XaraLouise --- na cuidbhle tionndaidh


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Well, thinking of our remarks concerning the insult of a voluntary service being sold like lifestock or real estate I neither feel remorse nor am I in amazement they shut it down.

End of story.

In regards of country of origin of a future homestead I am leaning towards Alba. As much as I feel Nova Scotia is very entitled to have all our respect and support the main domaine should be in or from Alba, the mother itself.

If we cannot hijack a place (isn't there one of bord na Gaidhlig?) or can talk SMO into it we could talk one of our members into it and see what ideas we can come up with for funding.

Anyhow I'm glad I see some survivors already here but we still miss a few, and posting often will help to get this place on the goggle radar so that they can find us. Come to think of it, Graisg, Camha, Coinneach, and Caladach should have at least the work shop members.

-- Edited by eilidh at 13:06, 2006-01-27



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I missed the last few posts over at and I'm totally new to Gaelic so I might not have all the info here but bear with me.

A similar thing to this happened when the forums switched to a premium membership service taking all our hints and tips and posts with it. We set up another forum instead just as you guys are talking about now.

The forum looks like a good bet if you can access it. If not, I've plenty of experience running websites and forums and I have some spare webspace you can use gratis. I'd suggest you use a package called FUDForum instead of phpBB but that's up to yourselves. As I said, I can set this up for you and probably give you some webspace (Any idea how much you need?). It'd be advert free by the way. I'd also recommend that several admins take a backup of the website every month in case of any future upsets like this.

I hope I'm not sticking my nose in where it's not wanted. Please accept my apologies if I am. One of the admins give me a shout if you're interested. Best of luck with your community either way.




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Not really any of my business, but if you do want to set up a new forum, it is really easy to get a site that looks exactly like the save Gaelic site - with all the forums, but also looks good. is there, but you could choose any other name you want and it is no problems to make up the different forum sections as you wish.  The site is free so long as you take some adverts - these seem to be tailored to the site and contain nothing that might be deemed inappropriate (such as gambling or porn) (the will show you the kind of adverts you need to take for it to be free).  I think it's something like £45/year to run without the adverts.

Anyway I'm sure there are others available, but myfreeforum is the one I know about.  We've been using it since last September and it's working out really well.

All the best with whatever you decide.



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Personally I thought the colour scheme at SG was horrible. All pinks, purples and yellow.



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Cadalach wrote:

Personally I thought the colour scheme at SG was horrible. All pinks, purples and yellow.

Tha, gu dearbh!
At least this one is in blue and white... Alba colours :)

XaraLouise --- na cuidbhle tionndaidh


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For the question of where the server or admin is a new forum is located, may I say, tha mi coma.

The location of the last owners didn't matter much, it was the support of other forum members that made it wortwhile.

This is weird, I don't know who's here. Some have taken new names. Did Cam and Beathag go to Tir Nam Blog? Did Camha come with us? Hi to everyone else.




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I went by my own name at SG - Shona. Here I am also going by my own name ... just took on the Gaelic spelling - Seòna. The accent wouldn't work in the username ... hmmm.

Oh, and I think it was Helen who asked if the Gaelic College was a good, worthwhile institution. Yes, it is. It's very good and they've been around for a long time. Several of the people on staff are from Scotland. I popped into their forums this morning, and it has changed from when I was there last. They do have a public forum now.

Okay, I think that's all for the moment.

*wanders away*

-- Edited by Seona at 16:49, 2006-01-27

Suas leis a' Ghàidhlig!


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Crunluath wrote:

Did Cam and Beathag go to Tir Nam Blog? Did Camha come with us? Hi to everyone else.

Feasgar math, refugees. Tha mise an-seo! -- ach tha mi airson rudeigin eile a sgriobhadh an-dràsta... barrachd Gàidhlig! 'S docha gum bi mi a' fuireach... Just waiting for the dust to settle and to see what kind of character these new places assume.

My two cents: there was a lot of squawking, especially by new members, in the days leading up to this. Let's try our best not to perpetuate that kind of chaos, and instead give those people who have earned our respect a bit of breathing room. I'm confident that they have the best interests of the community at heart and will be fostering environments best suited to all the levels of learner SG tried (sometimes unsuccessfully!) to accomodate.

Ceart gu leòr, a chairdean? Is that enough pressure for you, Cadalach, Graisg, Coinneach, Camha, et al? Honestly, this is going to take some time.

-- Edited by Beathag at 17:34, 2006-01-27



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I just tried to register at the Gaelic College's forum and they have a technical difficulty.  That series of letters you have to copy (like on blogspot) to prevent computers from automatically signing up and spamming the site, it doesn't load, you just get that little red 'x'. 

I'll try emailing them or something.

I'd like to support them.  The gaelic situation in N.S. is really at a do or die situation.  There are a lot of North Americans who might not be able to get to Scotland but can easily go Gaelic College in Nova Scotia or even to their one week campus in Vermont.  I went to their Vermont campus and it was definitely worthwhile.




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I'm not personally overly keen on the Gaelic College option. First, the GC site will only be suitable for fileanta peeps -- their open forum looks like its Gaelic only. Second, the volunteer workshops raise a whole host of questions with an academic institution -- guilt by association etc. Finally, don't we all tend to waffle a bit? We don't want to clog up a "serious" place with idle cabaireachd, do we?

As a number of people are kind-of saying, we need to decide what we want. If all we want is a board, we have one and we can replace it at any time if we have technical problems here.

SaveGaelic has been a good site, providing up-to-date news and if that continues, all to the good, but I'm not holding my breath: while plenty of people run goodwill sites I've never heard of anyone buying one.

Looking beyond SaveGaelic, what do you expect from a community portal? What would you like to see? What interests you enough that you would dedicate two hours every week to working on it?

I have a concept for a community portal -- and I believe it's a strong concept -- but I don't have the time to do it all myself and my gàidhlig is far too week for a lot of it too.

Everyone have a think over the next couple of weeks and then we can start serious discussions mid-February. (If we start discussing now, we'll probably miss out on some really good ideas.)

Cha bhi luathas is grinneas còmhla. Let's not get too jumpy -- we have a fun little board for the moment (have a bit of a search and try to work out the name -- it's genius) so let's sit here for a couple of months and take our time.


Abair ach beagan, 's abair gu math e.


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Posts: 15
This is one nice forum and it is phpBB forum like the ol' SG. This
one could be permanent? Anyway, tapadh leibh a Hheather for sending me
this link today:) I see a few here are going there too. I apologise if it has been posted. This board is a phpBB board like the Ol'SG.
mar sin leibh, Máirín
ps..just saw where Graisg posted it too. Heather S sent me the link today.

-- Edited by gaelicbabe at 02:18, 2006-01-28

Tha mi ag ionnsaich Gàidhlig= I am learning Gaelic.
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