Tha mi airson mo thaic a' leigeil dha, 'S e adhartas mòr a rinn CF air SG agus ann an Tìr nam Blòg. Agus a bharrachd air sin ‘s e cuideigin a tha sinn eòlach air. 'S toil leam an cruth air an Fhòram cuideag. Bidh mi fhathast a' tighinn ann a sheo ge-tà
I'm going to support this one, but I'll still hang out here.
Looks like lots of people are giving it a go at Cf's Forum. I'll always have a soft spot for this place ge-tà.
Mac an T, you were the dude of the moment and the visionary that put out the lifeboat.Your deed was awesome and you go down in cybergaidhealtachd folklore. Sin thu fhèin.
I'll be in here citoyens anytime I'm feeling totally creative and need reminding of where we all came from. Actually it seems things may turn out better than they ever were in the t-seann duthaich - nach neònach sin, did you think that might happpen all along Justin? Was it a cosmic calculated risk that paid off?
I have joined fòrman na gàidhlig, but I HAVE A FORUM also. I am also going to stay on with Mac- the one of the nicests guys that came from SaveGaelic! I was BEING SCORNED by SG members when i mentioned I was putting up a forum!! then it bit the dust!!!! Mac was nice enough to pm me and giving me nice email and patting me on the back. TAPADH LEIBH A MAC! Máirín
My forum is Save Scottish Gaelic
Tha mi ag ionnsaich Gàidhlig=
I am learning Gaelic.
Nise.... tha mi a smaointinn gur e fòram "serious" a th' ann na fòram CF.
Ach se fòram beagan "psychedelic" a th' ann an fòram seo.
Glé "different beasties", gu dearbh.
(Can't say I'm not glad to see the back of the negative "Save" Gaelic tag, though. GaelicBabe: I wouldn't have bothered trying to reuse that name. It was never that good and Auspire do have a good claim for getting your board cancelled.)