Frankly due to becoming the 7th pit of hades, ('s air sgath's gun do smaoinch mi gum biodh e sporsail am foram agam fhein a chruthachadh) seo dhuibh uile, "Taigh na Gaidhlig", an t-inneal as uire againn anns an cogadh an aghaidh bas-canain. Don't worry guys if you don't speak any Gaelic things will improve pretty tootsweet if you stick around here. Hopefully some dudes from around the net will settle in and we can have a good wee ceilidh uh? With all the goss from the AGaelic world as well as the best places to actually hear Gaelic. Come on you yanks, bite the bullet and move to Scotland, Taigh na Gaidhlig is the place to be. 'Se heavy dynamite a th' ann!
Hai, Tapadh leibh. Tha mi duilcih, my gmail wasn't getting the confirmation emails needed to join, so I used my yahoo...aka Ms_Muir here. Thanks for the post to me on saveg.
Tha mi ag ionnsaich Gàidhlig=
I am learning Gaelic.
Was just over at the other site to find they've shut down the forums. One minute, they tell everyone to relax and not worry, the next minute, the forums are gone. I know people were worried about what would happen, but what brought that about ... did something go down this afternoon that I missed?
Just when I started hanging out there regularly ... shucks ... I think I'm having Gaelic withdrawals.
Cha do mhàir sin fada. Ann an dòigh car commuinneach, dhùin iad SG. Ach mar a chanas iad ann an Alba Nuadh, chan eil feum sam bith ann an gearann, cha bhiodh iad ag èisteachd riut co-dhiugh. 'S dòcha gum bu chòir dhuinn dhol a thar thall 's an cuid crodh a goid!
Seadh? No Rubhaich? H-abair fàilte!! Co-dhiù, 's e Coinneach Cìr a bh' orm air Savegaelic agus tha mi an-dràsta a' lorg dachaidh eile air an eadar-lìon. Cha b'urrainn dhomh stràc a cleachdadh nuair a bhi mi clàradh m'ainm am seo. Là math dhuibh uile!
hey, dè tha dol an-seo? abair fòrum snog is toigh leam sin. is mise mona agus bidh cuid eòlach orm bho thìr nam blog no bhon bhòrd-bràth gàidhlig/gearmailtis no liosta post-d... tha mi an dòchas gum bi còmhradh snog ann an-seo mona